Stuff I miss/stuff where I have repressed the bad parts and therefore also miss…

 Le vrai voyage, ce n’est pas de chercher des nouveaux paysages, mais un nouveau regard.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.

-Marcel Proust 
The past week has seen a combo of out-of-body experiences and bouts of twisted nostalgia as I return to places that have long since formed a layer of cosmetic dust in my mind. I’ve been snapping random photos of things that I find interesting or curious as I spend some time back on American soil.
Enjoy the random slide show:

First off, grilling! Yes, this can be done in Dakar too, but there’s something about being in a normal backyard with lots of greenery and east coast-y ambiance. Also, I am going to say that I loved going into Whole Paycheck and buying all kinds of exotic food….and I mean the good kind of exotic!
I miss wearing socks! Kinda like being stationed in Hawaii, there’s not much call for a person to wear socks in Dakar. As you can see, I had Bruins pride on this day- even if they did play a horrible game that night. Like really bad. Don’t get me started again on the power play.
I dragged my brother to Chick Fil-A on Saturday morning so I could get  a wicked tasty breakfast that I wish I could eat every day…but really probably shouldn’t. Lord was this fantastic…

On my drive south to Hampton Roads, I made my travel companion pull over so I could get me some ice cream from my favorite childhood ice cream parlor. Growing up on the Cape, there wasn’t much for young kids to do at night…except go to Friendly’s….or break the law in some manner. I swear I only went to Friendly’s…

Okay, I am totally waiting for my seafaring friends to pile on top of me for saying that I kinda miss being on a ship. Intellectually, I understand what they’d be saying- but still, a tiny part of me that remembers only the cool parts, and thus enjoyed returning to Naval Station Norfolk.

Ahh it looks so aesthetically pleasing…but just by looking at this photo you can hear the accompanying shipboard noises and smell the odor that comes with being a 40 year old ship. It’s not all “accelerate your life.” Sometimes it turns out to be “accelerate the end of your career.” Not once did I ever pine for command at sea. That job is just too hard.

Ahh the Bitch Box. Anyone who wants to know what it’s like to interact with Charlie Brown’s teachers need to have one of these in their lives. The only correct response to the noises coming from CCS: “Bridge, aye.”

Okay, and finally some stuff that I really missed:
Just kidding- I’ve never had a Moon Pie in my life.

My awesome friends! How I miss them so…

I saw tons of people, these are only two photos from my whirlwind adventures…

And my amazing brother! I love seeing my family- and I was super fortunate to at least see him while I was home. We get along just like….well, brother and sister….

Okay that’s it for now. Thank you for putting up with yet another self-indulgent posting. I rather like them, but will try to get back on subject sooner rather than later. Come to think of it, I’m not quite what the subject of my blog is anymore….

Thanks for reading! It’s still great to be home!

2 thoughts on “Stuff I miss/stuff where I have repressed the bad parts and therefore also miss…

  1. Anonymous

    You took Mike to Friendly's???? He's been so deprived all his life never to experience the Happy Ending Sundae. We used to have one by us growing up, but it's been long gone. I hope he chose wisely (Mint Chip and Fudge) and not some sundae with peanut butter and Reese's. Yuck!!!

  2. MMMMmmm Chicken Biscuit breakfast!! You should have mentioned how that grill picture was potentially your camera's LAST picture! haha. Phew, dodged a bullet there! Always good to have you home and whirlwind my way down/over/across to see you!

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