Shared Experience

It’s been eight years since I’ve haunted the Hampton Roads area. This place formed my personal definition of “the south”, and it was here that I cut my teeth as a clueless ensign and got introduced to ten section duty and tunnel traffic. Oh yeah- let’s not forget the southern radio stations that you think are normal rock or hip hop channels until you listen closely and realize that the lyrics are all about the greatness of God. Those channels trick me every time….even this week.

Along for the ride on 969.
Back at Game Start of Megan’s naval career, Norfolk was a place that held zero appeal to me. I’m from the east coast, and in 1999 had just moved back to the U.S. from Ireland. I wanted to be stationed in new and exotic places like Hawaii or Japan, and my plan seemed perfect until I walked into my first exchange with the Navy detailer:

Him: Where do you want to go Ensign Hallinan?
Me: I’m pretty flexible- just anywhere but Norfolk.
Him: Great, I’ve got you slated for PETERSON.
Me: Great. Where’s that?
Him: Norfolk.


As it turns out, this whole, “Surprise, the Navy now has a speaking role in your life’s destiny” bit worked out in my favor. I shouldn’t have been surprised. None of us really know what we want in life, even if we think we know what will be a positive or negative experience. That’s the story of my life so far.

But I’m not writing to linger on Amnesia Lane. I actually wanted to talk about the new ways that I have experienced the Virginia Beach sprawl in 2011. You may have some idea that I like to run, and as luck would have it there are many others like me in the Navy: Norfolk sailors who like to run and are happy to share some good gouge on great spots to check out.

First Landing State Park. This is someone else’s favorite place to run, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to check it out for myself.

Short attention span history of this place, as lifted from Wikipedia (so it must be true): “The state park is near the site of the first landing on April 26, 1607 of Christopher Newport and the Virginia Company colonists before establishing themselves at Jamestown.” Now I’m here and paying four dollars for parking. I don’t mind.

Time only permitted for a late afternoon window to hit this rave run. I’m really at my best as a morning runner, and I must say that after a fantastic lunch of Chick Fil-A, I will remain a person who runs on an empty stomach before sunrise. Still, the trail was dusted in beach sand and we had a lot of tree cover as we snaked through the woods.

We’re on the Chesapeake Bay, and as such you get that swamp perfume throughout the area. I grew up next to a big frog pond, and while the rest of you might be grossed out by the smell, I really enjoyed this trail because it felt like I was back in my element. You Mashpee neighborhood kids will know what I mean.

 While a bunch of my friends have transitioned to trail running (with really cool scars to prove it), I’m a little too maladroite to be negotiating roots and rocks with any regularity. Still, the moss was pretty neat.

I really miss all of the greenery that comes with being in these parts. Especially the pine trees. Parts of this place also reminded me of Maine.

Virginia sky. My fingers, rather than my brain, wanted to take a photo.

Part of the run takes you along the oyster beds, just as my fellow running pal Fred said it would.

This place is so cool, and it was great to stop and check out sights that I never knew existed in these parts. Or anywhere for that matter. Makes me want to get out more.

So really, I just wanted to post this run, and hopefully motivate any readers who are in Va Beach area to go and see it for themselves. Back when I was stationed here, I wasn’t much of a runner, nor was I much of a park explorer. I feel quite fortunate to be let in on this little piece of magic, right close to the congestion of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel.
If and when the detailer’s wheel of fortune sends me back here, I won’t complain. Or yes, I probably will find things to complain about- but in that case I know where I’ll be able to go in order to blow off some steam.
It’s been great to be back!