Where the consumer is king, cuz they’ll buy just about anything…

Yes, I’m writing about a supermarket. Try to contain your interest.
We left off with the marché posting, so I think it’s appropriate to juxtapose the experience with the other extreme: the hypermarché. If you’ve been reading this blog for awhile, you likely know that you can get a hold of just about everything in these parts. Life is really the same everywhere; it’s just a question of whether or not your pile of cash is high enough to get you the access you want.
When I did my familiarization trip to Senegal back in 2009, I asked to be brought to a typical supermarket. I did this because I wanted to see what kind of stuff they had (and also have an idea of what to buy at Costo before I left DC). I love to check out the Stop and Shops/Harris Teeters/Ralph’s of other countries to see what kind of neat things they have for sale- because if anything, it says a lot about the tastes of the local consumers.

I was looking for a video of The Dude walking around Ralph’s in his bathrobe…but you should watch the entire video review if you’ve never seen this film classic.

So the hypermarché has pretty much everything you want inside, and then some. Here’s some snapshots of its wares:

I like how the aisle sign labels these products as “crap you can throw away”. Really? I mean, we’re a culture of consumers- we throw everything away. Well, maybe not in Senegal…
Unlike most stores in America, this place sells flavor!

This place is really nice actually. Better than the Price Chopper (Ghetto Chopper) in Burlington, VT and the Food Lion (Ghetto Lion) in Norfolk, VA.

Don’t worry though, you are never far from being reminded that this is still Senegal. Power outage. Even the hypermarket isn’t immune to the mediocrity of Dakar’s power grid.

….besides, you totally need the lights so you don’t miss the Daft Punk dolls that are for sale on the lower shelves.

Oh yeah, another way that you know you are still in Africa? Signs like this one exist AND the  Christmas decorations stay up year round.

It’s interesting to note that what they have the least of in this store is local Senegalese products. Here’s a stand of their token offerings….and of course you can go out to the Walking Wal*Mart and get all this stuff at a fraction of the price.

You don’t find cranberry juice in this country every day, nevermind MIGHTY cranberry juice. I think the apricot juice just above was called “Graceful Apricot” or something foolishness…
Aww….it’s May and they have Christmas stuff for sale (I like the Santa with the drum kit). Almost makes me feel like I’m back at the Christmas Tree Shop…don’t you just love a bargain? Seriously, watch this link here….these ladies make me totally homesick.

And of course I saved my favorite item for last:
Oh yes, plenty of Chinese crap for sale here too. I’m so gonna buy this and wrap it up for next White Elephant Christmas Pahhty. Cuz it’s a total baahgin.
So there you have it: from dead sheep hanging from a meat hook to the world’s finest booze-shaped desk clock- you can see that Dakar has it all.

As a reminder, the airport code is DKR.