Modified Greenberry Part 1

If I’m standing right here, then it probably only means one thing…
Yes, I still consider myself on a writing hiatus for the next week or so. No, that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped writing completely- or running for that matter. Both are a bit of a crack habit that go hand in hand…so you’ll forgive me when I’m compelled to punch in a vacation posting that is completely self-indulgent. And has nothing to do with Senegal.
This week I’m dealing with persistent jet lag and an open window allowing for fantastic, dust-free breeze to waft into my bedroom. The window and my uncalibrated circadian rhythm mean that I’m waking up and staying up with the birds- and let me tell you that those a-holes start singing pretty early around these parts:
Shot at about 5:15 AM, my camera was next to my bed so I took advantage of its convenience. This kind of coming to awareness is actually really nice- and reminiscent of summer morning wake-ups as a kid. It’s one of my favorite memories.

After ten minutes of this soundtrack however, the nostalgia wears off. I’m the only one awake around here and there’s nothing but residual cobwebs from my long journey west. I need to get my body aligned with this time zone, and I can only think of one way to get myself in that direction: go for a run.

Back in 2009 I tried to convey the beauty of DC at sunrise – but that was before I perfected my bad habit of running with a camera in hand. Now that I’m back in town for a spell, I cannot pass on the opportunity to capture some of these visuals.

This running route was one I did several times a week while living in Rosslyn back in 2009. While I don’t count myself as a member of the Rosslyn Concrete Paradise Fan club, this loop remains one of my favorite places to run anywhere, if only because it offers so much in such a small geographic area.

Good morning, Netherlands Carillon. This path traces a sort of reverse marathon route.

Can you tell that the carillon is a gift from the Dutch? The sun coming over the horizon paints everything in a pink authenticity that should make Thomas Kinkade hang up his paintbrush in pastel exasperation. Yes I’m hating on mall art that depicts landscapes of hobbit cottages and unicorn pastures.

Anyone who has run Marine Corps knows this hill pretty well- it’s the last incline before you arrive at Iwo Jima. While this vantage point makes it seem like nothing more than a gentle slope, this last push of the race is a real slog.

The headstones at Arlington Cemetery are a pretty humbling site, but seeing them in the morning sun allows you to discover their ability to shift color. This is my favorite part of this running route because you never feel alone as you skirt the cemetery’s perimeter.

When I ran the MCM, I raised money for the children of a solider who was killed in Iraq. He is buried here at Arlington, and each morning I would think about him and stop grumbling about how tired I felt.

Once you pass the main cemetery entrance, you head up a hill and are spit out onto the road that links with Memorial Bridge. Here I am running into the sun and taking photographs that seem blinding at the time but actually turn out fairly decent.

I love this area because it offers great vantage points from so many places along the way. From here you are also provided with free background music courtesy of National Airport.

Sunrise continues and the morning commute starts to pick up. I’m increasingly squinty since I forgot my sunglasses. Good thing I’m turning left as soon as I cross into DC.

This is only half of my run, but I think it is best to split my blog posting in two as I leave Virginia’s dizzying road logic behind and head into the District. Truth be told, I think this side of the Potomac has more aesthetic appeal at this time of day, but I’ll get around to posting the rest of my run tomorrow. Or the next day. Whenever.
By the way, if you live around these parts and want to check out this loop, I highly recommend you do the Fun Runs organized by Pacers. The Greenberry run may leave at an ungodly morning hour, but it is organized by a great woman named Sandy who will make you feel welcome with the crowd of folks who show up. They may finish up by sunrise, but later on you can do like me and “sleep in” to check out sunrise.