Visit Morocco

 The triumph (and sometimes tragedy) of this program is that you really are signing up for a thirty-month battery of unknowable mental and physical challenge. The degree of adversity is never foretold, and as such your footpath of daily interaction might provide you with relative repulsion or unexpected displays of cultural magnificence.
You don’t know what’s outside the door. You just have to open it on up and see what’s there.
Example: some days you wonder why anyone would deem it fitting to gift the U.S. Ambassador a misuse of taxidermical talent in the fiscian form, and other days you are looking past chicken-heads that litter the sidewalks because they are trumped by awe-inspiring testaments of human creation on the greater canvas.
I was just here a few days ago.
And now I’m here, against a backdrop of occasional animal heads within the markets.
I’ve been in Morocco for about three days, and suffice it to say that I still have eight point stars in my eyes. Not only does this country enjoy vehicle-free sidewalks, functioning traffic lights and other feats of modern engineering, but the country also projects an exterior that is immediately identified as beautiful to the passer-by.
Dakar isn’t like this.  In fact, it might be the opposite of this place. But that doesn’t mean I am dissatisfied with my country selection. I’m simply  saying that Morocco uses a different measuring stick when they set about to doing business. I’ve got lots of pics, and I’ll try to pout some up in a bit. For now, here I am, and off we go for a few weeks above 14° N.