Restoring Balance to Hatchville Shipyard

Okay, okay! I have one suitcase packed! I still have, like 10 hours before I’m leaving for the airport, and that’s tons of time in sailor years….
I know that you are all on the edge of your seat waiting to see the fantastic home improvements that have been accomplished during the past month. So here they are….if only because posting them provides yet another excellent diversion from packing.
First, here is a framed note documenting my last attempt to clean house. I had made about 20 copies of this note and pasted them up ALL OVER the house, including all entry points into the house.  In retrospect, I think the note was worded too nicely, because people thought I was kidding.
Shock of all shocks, I wasn’t kidding! We have gotten rid of a lot of useless relics in the past month, but now I am a little afraid of all the clear floorspace currently holding court in the cellar:

Here was a giant mountain of “clean” laundry that had been building since 2007. It’s gone, and the room is now sheetrocked, painted and trimmed.

  We did most of this part while Monty Python and the Holy Grail was playing in the background.  As the bottle on the table observes, it was fantastik.
Believe it or not, we got most of the dust cleaned up. Most of it now forms a protective coating in the interior of my lungs. 
Camera equipment? Check. Treasure chest? Check. Authentic Vietnam-era kevlar helmet, Aeroflot cap, goalie mask and Bobby hat?  Check. Must be the Hallinan house.
I’m pretty sure we’re the only people who have selected the eave underneath the stairs to house gallons of paint cans and collector’s edition Wheaties boxes (and no, these are not mine!).
More sheetrocking, painting and trim (I worked damn hard on this, so you are going to appreciate my boring photos of it all!). We created lots of wallspace to house the many treasures collecting dust in this house-  here you can see a hurley and a rubber bat on the left. Treasures, I assure you.
The other side of the cellar, where we enclosed the water tank and heater. We still have more stuff that needs to be hung up, but you get the picture.
This guy’s still hanging around. We didn’t have the heart to evict him, so we let him have our new closet.
Only if you’ve ever been in our cellar can you really appreciate how good this looks.
YOU WEREN’T PAYING ATTENTION! I see you were scrolling down through my boring photos. This one is to wake you up, and also let you know that it was my brother’s birthday today. We had cake, and then reminisced about the Carvel guy’s scary voice on the wacky commercials that played when we were kids.
Although we didn’t get everything done that we wanted (like carpet and a drop ceiling put in), tonight I put in place my own finishing touch to our efforts.  You might want to look back and see what I named this particular entry, and then scroll to the next picture.
Again, it’s fantastik.
Next time I’m home? I find a bona fide museum that is willing to accept a donation of two 19th century model ships that are currently taking over the room next to the kitchen.
-Love, Megan

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