Here we talk about the weather when there’s nothing else to talk about

The evil dust is finally starting to release its death grip on the Dakarois sky. Good thing cuz these days I really like hanging out in my living room and watching sunrise and sunset go down (and up).

 I’ve been in my ridiculous house for just over a year now. While I am not sure I’m any more comfortable with the obscene square footage situation than I was last April, I’ll still take it over the shoebox  that was my previous house. Besides, if you combine the two apartments together and average it out, I’m probably on par with the rest of the single thirtysomethings running around this military and pretending to be official.

Compare this view with the one I had at the beginning of the month, and you will see what a breath of fresh air the past week has been. Even though my unobstructed view of the African Rennaissance Monument has been restored, the sea of construction projects that are going up threaten to change this. I’ll take a picture next year and compare. Yes, I’m still gonna be here.

As you can see, I’ve got nothing much to tell you about today. It’s a week where the hot weather is making its return, and the hockey season is coming to an all-too abrupt close (that’s all we’ll say about that). I’m quite sad to anticipate the impending doom that is the rainy season- it’s the time of the year where pouring rain comes and goes at will, and you are always instantly sweaty within five seconds of leaving your house in the morning. Good stuff that has me looking up airfare to Helsinki.

Nope for now it’s just dust remnants and pretty sunlight. I really hope that the Harmattan is gone, but you can’t really be sure. Until then, I’ll continue to wander out onto my balcony in my pajamas and disheveled hair to enjoy the morning view. Maybe I should go and find a broom.

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