A most needed respite

I can feel it happening again. I have the attention span of a gnat. 
I guess that is how excitement must manifest itself in adults, because I am absolutely failing at accomplishing any manner of routine tasking today.
Why am I excited? Well yes of course, I am going back to Ireland- if only for a few short days.
Ahh Trinity. After 418 years, I suspect that she is aging better than me- but I will go back and check just to be sure.
I will spare you a lengthy blog entry (I told you I have zero concentration today), but I will say that when I went back last May- for the first time in ten years- I was quite angry with myself. Dublin is just about the only town where I really feel like I fit in quite perfectly, and it took me a solid decade to return. Stupid Navy (just kidding- kind of).

I made a promise to myself that I would never let an extended lapse of time occur again. Guinness may be good for you, but for me, Ireland is good for my soul. Call me just another  nostalgic Irish-American who likes to quote rebel songs, but I have more compelling reasons to go back, other than simply seeking out tombstones and harassing “relatives” who have no desire to have me barge into their bucolic farmhouse and reminisce about a non-existent shared past.
Rather, it’s because I have great memories and great friends.
Goldsmith Hall Rabble-rousers
And also, Father Ted is the only priest that would ever get me to go to Mass on a regular basis: