Only the U.S. military can screw up Paris

Battle to keep this image in your mind as you read on
So, I am here in the happiest land in France. Except I am not in France. I am in EuroDisney. En fait, I don’t even call this France- I am here for a conference, and when I ask my fellow conference-goers if they want to hop on the train to check out the Parisian sites, I ask them “Do you want to go to France tonight?”.
This is EuroDisney, where the sun doesn’t set until 10pm in June, and the children stay up accordingly. 
My first day here, I am beyond excited to be back in Paris for the first time in over 10 years. I must have been jet-lagged, because even though my accommodations and subsequent environs belied my geographic location, I was still very excited. To wit, if I had been abducted in a Dakar taxi, blindfolded and shipped off to this place, my LAST guess in the world would be that I was in Paris.  Check out why when I show you what I experienced during my first on the ground:
Oh yeah, they’re even playing the soundtrack to the perennial classic “Xanadu”. Shortly after I filmed this bit I walked to the EuroDisney Starbucks (yes, Starbucks) and made friends with the Senegalese guy working there…and then I really felt like I was nowhere near Paris. Or Dakar.
It did get better. My two excellent traveling companions and I hopped a train into the city and had an excellent afternoon of roving the Latin quarter and soaking up the atmosphere of the Fête de la Musique.
Il faut qu’on fasse la la fête!
Exhale. It’s not Disney.
My two sightseeing companions. They really are a cute couple.
I had some major empathy when I saw this guy
And who doesn’t love a photo that is filled with baskets of delectable epicurean delights?

Ou bien, imbibing overpriced cocktails at a famous “must visit” café
Indeed, I do!  I love it all, so much more than I love EuroDisney. But I’m grateful for the opportunity to get back out here and visit, courtesy of the U.S. Navy. Even if those fool conference organizers picked the most decidedly ‘Merican spot on the European map. Apart from some crazy expensive prices, Paris hasn’t changed much in the past decade.I don’t think I have much either for that matter. In many ways I am still the dumb, whining exchange student that stormed into France 17 years ago.
I can’t wait to show my sister and brother-in-law around this city. 

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