(Not at all) Living Like The Locals

Lord I don’t want to continue unpacking.

Good thing I have a shower that I would rather blog about!

You will need this primer before you are ready to read about my preposterous shower
So for the past two days I have taken a shower while listening to the radio (in Wolof- not understanding too much- but that’s okay). This kind of activity sounds normal, right? Well, is it still normal if my shower has this:
A remote control for the shower. At first I thought this was an item left behind by the previous tenant.
The radio, as it turns out, is built IN to the shower along with a speaker in a ceiling that also has a light. Also squeezed in the interior is a steamer, mirror, a bunch of shower jet things, and groovy blue lights. I think you can even answer the phone while taking a shower, but I am not going to be doing that (heck, I haven’t even gotten my ooma to work yet).
Check this ridiculous thing out:
I think Michael Jackson had the same one. All that is missing is a mirrorball.
The push buttons remind me of the toilets in Japan. 
 What’s a dipping bath? Apparently the Wisemaker 3000 will not only make me more sanitary, but smarter!
I’m a bit bewildered at the decadence and frivolousness of this shower. And not just because it can be found in an African country where the bulk of people are still doing their laundry this way:
NO ONE, not even Abdoulaye Wade, needs a shower like this! I know that I am guilty of having own little vices and silly expenditures (hello, workout gear), but I can’t imagine why anyone would buy, nevermind invent a shower like this one. Is my New England frugality coming out on this point? Maybe. All I know is that each morning there is going to be a strange mental stand-off between me and my shower. 
I might just have to boycott the “shower” altogether and opt for the très fancy tub that is about 16 inches from my space capsule:
Should the Olmsted Foundation ever come out for a country visit, they are NOT allowed in my bathroom!
Back to unpacking! 

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