Suitcase full of booze. Grateful for wheels.

My movers came and unpacked me the day I left for a trip to Ireland. See my red suitcase in the back left? This was taken 30 minutes after the movers left and just before I headed to the airport. No, I wasn’t cutting it close at all…

I’m tired, people.  In my quest to resume exercising like a normal person (as opposed to that of the slightly insane marathoner variety), I went to an early-morning “boot camp” class on the base. Against the backdrop of classic hits such as “Funky Town” and “Le Freak”, I was lifting, swinging and pitching medicine balls and kettle bells for about an hour. As it turns out, this was excellent (yet completely unnecessary) preparation for my day’s activities: purchasing and moving about 1,000 pounds of consumables up to my non-wheelchair accessible apartment on the 7th floor.  This bonus exertion culminated with the eventual realization that I should use an empty suitcase to roll things up here and make life a little easier.  I figured this out when I only had one trip left to make. 

Was it John Wayne that said that life was harder if you were stupid?  I tend to lead a harder life. As an aside, I’m also an intelligence officer who is charged with protecting you while you sleep- chew carefully on that last bit of information!

Now I’m sizing up my luxe accommodation, noticing similarities between the day back in May when the movers pulled away with an empty truck and lots of empty boxes. Me and my mess. My life illustrated in perfect disarray that mirrors my current mental state as I prepare for my big move. The rolling terrain of plastic bags makes the apartment resemble those images of hoarders’ households that you can’t turn away from on the television. My place of course does without the flattened cats and takeout boxes that are buried beneath piles of “stuff”. …at least I believe that to be the case (I moved out like two weeks ago).

So it’s no wonder that I have sat here for the last hour, deliberately ignoring this expensive mess of consumerism, and opting to do things online that I would never otherwise do (why yes, NPR, I would love to participate in your listener survey!). I need to actually head back to pick up a friend who was tricked into helping me organize this place before the movers come back on Friday. Friends and colleagues want to hang out with me before I go?  Well what better way to accomplish two things at once then to dangle Guinness in front of a person and invite them over to my place!

I have a camera here somewhere- it’s just buried underneath everything. I’ll do some beachcombing, and if I come across it, I’ll stick up a picture of what the rest of you dear friends are missing out on this evening.

I think I’ll go to the 5:30 spin class tomorrow morning.

Here’s as far as we got last night. Steph is in the photo, since I felt compelled to give her credit for helping to neatly amass my bags and bags of purchases. 

By the way, I did go to spin class this morning. The instructor was a little crazy and the tunes were an excellent throwback to middle school dances where I would sway back and forth in my own brand of white girl grooving: Marky Mark’s Good Vibrations, Kool Moe Dee’s Wild Wild West and Salt-N-Pepa’s Push It.  I don’t think my moves have gotten much better on a bike.
“On the wall he left nothing but hooks and some wires, and the last thing he took was the log for their fire.”

Six PM, Friday evening. Just need to sign my paperwork. Can hear my Indian neighbors screaming as I type this. Thank God for movers.

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