Darting Through Central Park after Shelly

I am not very confident that this blog business will last longer than a week or two.
That said, I’m still going to put in as much effort as my short attention span will allow (thank you, TV generation). Personally, I don’t think that my observations are interesting enough to merit a public audience, but a greater laziness compels me to establish some sort of forum where I would be able to simultaneously recount personal misadventures and provide entertainment for my loved ones.  This may or may not happen as time wears on.

 Yeah, she beat us to the finish line
I liken my blog undertaking to this Sunday where a taxi deposited me and a running friend off at Central Park so we could illegally dash onto the New York Marathon course and intercept a friend who we were supposed to accompany in to the finish line. As our taxi driver rightly pointed out, the runner who we should have met two miles back already had at least 20 blocks on us. We were nearing the end of the marathon course and unless we could channel our inner Paula Radcliffes, there was no way we were ever going to catch up and redeem ourselves. Still, we paid the kind cabbie and ran through the course anyways. There was no other option but to try.
As it turns out, our intrepid marathoner didn’t need our assistance at all- she finished in top form and the entire experience created some really classic memories for the three of us. It also helped that our ill-fated efforts were still rewarded with the finest cans of cold beer shrouded in brown paper bags that the NY streets could offer. 
Oh Blair, I will always count on you to scrounge up the best dinner ever while we are stuck on a New York City sidewalk for an hour.
So if no one is posting anything witty on Facebook, I offer up this diversion. For a limited time only.